Dictionary of dreams

Our dream dictionary is a support that allows you to analyze your dreams independently. It gives you access to many meanings. We hope that this one will be useful to you in order to interpret your dreams easily. You can also ask us for a free interpretation.

The study of dreams

Perhaps this is your first visit and you want to know more about dreams? We propose to discuss some points that should help you to better understand the study of dreams.

What is a dream?

What is a dream?

A dream is defined as a series of experiences, emotions, thoughts and images that occur automatically in a person's head during different phases of sleep.

The purpose and substance of dreams are not clear, but they have undoubtedly been a source of religious and philosophical fascination, as well as scientific research, throughout history. Onirology, or the scientific study of dreams, has been well documented.

When do you dream?

When do you dream?

Dreams most often occur during REM sleep, when brain activity is at its highest and most similar to that of wakefulness.

What characterizes REM sleep is the continuous movement of the eyes during sleep; nevertheless, dreams can occur during other phases of sleep, although they are less memorable and much less vivid.

The duration of the dream

The duration of the dream

Our dreams can last for a few seconds or up to 30 minutes. Some dreamers are able to remember their dreams because they were awakened during REM sleep.

On average, people have three to five dreams a night, and some have as many as seven, yet the majority of our dreams are quickly forgotten. It seems that our dreams become longer as the night progresses, and when we have a full eight hours of sleep.

The Interpretation of Dreams

The Interpretation of Dreams

Dreams can sometimes implant a creative concept, giving the dreamer a sense of inspiration. Opinions on the meaning of dreams have changed and evolved over cultures and time.

People seem to largely support the Freudian hypothesis of dreams, that dreams reveal underlying emotions and desires. Other ideas hold that dreams help solve problems, develop memory, or are simply the result of random brain activity.

The evolution of dream interpretation

The evolution of dream interpretation

The oldest known dreams were recorded on clay tablets about 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia.

Throughout the Roman and Greek eras, people believed that dreams were messages directly from one or more deities, or from deceased people, and that they could predict the future. Other tribes used dream incubation to create prophetic dreams.

What do the dreams mean?

What do the dreams mean?

For Sigmund Freud, dreams are the expression of our most secret concerns and desires, and are often linked to obsessions or repressed childhood experiences.

He believed that virtually all dream themes, regardless of their substance, indicate the release of sexual tension. In his 1899 book, The Interpretation of Dreams, he laid out a set of rules to help us understand the reasons and symbols that appear in our dreams.