Hello Chiki,
Thank you for sharing your curious dream with us. Your trust will not be in vain.
We would like to point out that it is normal to try to find out more about such a dream, which could prove to be decisive for your life. It is for this reason that it is a very good omen, as it is often synonymous with change.
For a woman, regardless of her status, it is intriguing to dream of a well-known man, especially recently. Such a dream says a lot about your personality and your character traits.
You are a beautiful person who unfortunately and probably has suffered several setbacks in the past. These setbacks have made you a meticulous person, without closing you off from the world and the beauty of a thrilling destiny.
It is thus that by this same magic of life, you make an encounter on which your dream and by the same occasion your being draw your attention. This dream invites you to evaluate not the man's feelings, but rather your own feelings.
This man must surely be charming to arouse the sweetness and imagination of a being like you. Be aware that, like your dream, he will eventually shake up your tidy little routine.
Chiki, this dream and this man's arrival bodes well for you. It's up to you to take a good look at yourself, to know where you stand, to be prepared to give it your best shot and to potentially put your peace of mind back into the equation.
If you're in the right frame of mind, you could honestly share your dream with this lucky man. This will make him aware of his feelings for you.
We wish you all the happiness in the world.
Best wishes,
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